© Farda فـــــردا



















پيامها و ديدگاهها









خواننده سايت (جوان)


جهانی سپاس از دست اندرکاران و نویسنده گان سایت پر محتوای فردا! سایت شما همیشه مملو است از مطالب مختلف ادبی، شعرهای ناب، داستانهای کوتاه جالب و طنز های عالی.
قلم همگی شما سبز بادا

Tuesday, April 4, 2006





Nasir Farkhari


My name is Nasir Farkhari and I want to  Thanks for working hard and creating a website to represent our literature art and culture, which is really nice work from our dear afghan scholars. I am personally appreciate your job. I don't know much about possibility but I had a suggestion for you to create online fine art courses in your website for the young Afghans  to learn art online? My deepest regards to Dr. Akram Usman


Monday, April 3, 2006





Hamed Abeid


dorud bar shoma berasad wa rooz e tan khoshbaad.
peerooz baashed.

Sunday, April 2, 2006












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